I’m a trend setter, an adventurer, a coffee lover and a photographer! I love experiments and personal projects. Finding new perspectives and breathing in new life into old boring scenes is what inspires and gets me excited! If you call yourself a creative, proudly wear that title, be memorable, inspire others and always be ahead of the crowd! Be Evóra!

Tilia’s Online Romance Coming Soon

ONLINE Dating with Tilia

Do you feel alone? Are you the widower or just single for the long time after the divorce? Maybe you feel like nobody understand your fantasies.. Are you somehow physical handicaped that you are not able to travel...? Or if you are just someone that wants more than a short date and you are looking for a deep communication?

Do you want light flirting? Or just to share your ideas, happiness of your day or just to share your great breakfast?

Whatever..... I am here for you..

Your LadyTilia


250euro weekly

1000euro monthly

* Unlimited texting, mailing, 2 photos per day*


500euro weekly

2000euro monthly

*Unlimited texting, frequent daily photos, individual attention, 2 phone calls per week (up to 30 minutes)*


....do you want to find the love letter or little surprise in your mailbox??

Lets delete digital time....let s feel the oldfashioned romantic way..

200euro weekly

800euro monthly

(Every week love letter with the photo or with the surprise sending to your address...)

For more information, conditions, rules, payment and ideas please contact me by my fill in meet me.

For ONLINE ROMANCE the screening is mandatory for security reason.